What Services Does Annie Provide?

  • Applications for appointment as a Welfare Guardian and/or Property Manager where a person has lost capacity
  • Enduring Powers of Attorney for appointment as a Welfare Guardian and/or Property Manager where a person is mentally capable
  • Wills
  • Living Wills
  • Other issues arising

 Why Does Annie Provide These Services?

As we age and as our parents and family age it becomes increasingly important to ensure that you are making decisions for yourself and your family to cover situations that may or will arise for you in the future.

The issues around ageing come more to the fore as we cope with ageing parents and family and we begin to have experience of accidents, illnesses and death affecting people we know.

Our Wills operate upon our death.

Enduring Powers of Attorney (“EPOA”) operate when we are living but where we have lost mental capacity.  A Will does not cover this situtation and many people do not have EPOAs – they or you should.

Living Wills provide your advanced directive of instructions to your family and/or attorney/s where you have lost capacity.  While these directives can be overruled by your family they generally apply.  In my view it is increasingly important to consider exactly what your wishes are for interventions, medical or otherwise for the remainder of your life.